Sunday, September 12, 2010

Renee Descoutures - CT Senior Portrait Photographer :Kristin

So one of my goals this year was to expand the high school senior side of my business. I feel like seniors need more opportunity to showcase their personality in their senior portraits. Getting out of the traditional studio setting is a great place to start.

Meet Kristin! She is fun, outgoing and totally up for some modern senior portraits! She is very feminine but also has a little edge to her. We shot at a few different locations to showcase just that.Here are a few taken near some old factory buildings. I have to say that her mom(like most) was totally skeptical about this location but ended up loving the images I was able to capture. She is just gorgeous!We also headed over to the Aqua Turf(which was mom's first choice) and captured the next few images. Another side of her that is equally as beautiful...The sun was still kind of high and bright so I decided to bring her under the weeping willow trees and shot this next one there. I love the lighting and how perfect her eyes match the leaves of the tree.
A great big THANK YOU to Kristin and her mom for choosing me to take her senior portraits! And of course for being so trusting and willing to try out some different locations.
Happy Senior Year Kristin!!

I'd love you hear what you think! Leave a comment below:)


  1. I'm not a professional BUT I love the pictures!!! Great Job. May be when Noah and Emma get older, you can do their senior pictures!

  2. I love this idea for the senior pictures-great job Renee!
