Monday, November 8, 2010

Renee Descoutures Photography-CT Child Portrait Photographer: Little Girls and Tutus!

There is just something so sweet about little girls in tutus! I can think up a zillion different ways to photograph them. This little girl, Arianna, not only is adorable but is full of spunk! I knew she would be great to capture in a tutu.

We started off at the ice cream shoppe. I love the picture combo below for a few reasons. 1) The drippy cone is classic kid style . 2)I love that you can see how small she is compared to the mailbox. It's a fun way to look back and realize how little they were at certain ages.

Our drippy cone didn't last as long as planned but no worries. I go with the flow. We had a gorgeous day, a cool green bike and a few neat brick walls to work with. And lots of laughs!

I love the hands on the hips cute.

The next three black and whites are my favorites!

Big thanks to Arianna for being a wonderful model! I hope you and your family love them!!

-Renee :)

P.S. If you stopped by and enjoyed this post let me know! Your comments make my day:)!


  1. Great photos Renee, I love the black and whites as well! She will treasure these as she gets older! Can't wait to see more :)

  2. Thank You Jasmine! I love the fact that she will have these when she gets older :)

  3. This session looks like SO much fun!!! Beautiful!
